Far from the river: physical and metaphorical use of the territory and its water resources in Early and Middle Bronze Age Syria | Davide Nadali, Frances Pinnock | Ebook | Gangemi Editore su Sanpaolostore.it

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Far from the river: physical and metaphorical use of the territory and its water resources in Early and Middle Bronze Age Syria

Ebook di   Davide Nadali Frances Pinnock

Far from the river: physical and metaphorical use of the territory and its water resources in Early and Middle Bronze Age Syria Ebook di  Davide Nadali, Frances Pinnock
€ 6, 99
  • Editore: Gangemi Editore
  • Tipo protezione:Adobe DRM
  • Condivisione:Permesso limitato.
  • ISBN: 9788849244144
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ePub € 6, 99 Disponibilità immediata

Pubblicato in Origini n. XLII/2018. Rivista annuale del Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità - "Sapienza" Università di Roma.


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