Customer value analysis. Problems and applications | Cristian Chizzoli, Deborah Raccagni, Bruno Busacca | Ebook | EGEA Tools su

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Customer value analysis. Problems and applications

Ebook di   Cristian Chizzoli Deborah Raccagni Bruno Busacca

Customer value analysis. Problems and applications Ebook di  Cristian Chizzoli, Deborah Raccagni, Bruno Busacca
€ 10, 99
  • Editore: EGEA Tools
  • Pagine:176
  • Tipo protezione:Adobe DRM
  • Condivisione:Permesso limitato.
  • ISBN: 9788823819726
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This book exemplifies - through a wide range of incidents and solved exercises - the application of consolidated theories, models and techniques to the analysis and measurement of potential market, market share and profitability; customer value; customer satisfaction; customer loyalty. In each chapter, the fundamental reference theory and technique are briefly described, and then applied to a set of real business and marketing problems.


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