Pink&Green. Circular economy starts with Italian women | | Ebook | GreenPlanner su

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Pink&Green. Circular economy starts with Italian women

Pink&Green. Circular economy starts with Italian women Ebook di
€ 4, 99
  • Editore: GreenPlanner
  • Tipo protezione:Filigrana digitale
  • Anteprima:Permesso limitato.
  • ISBN: 9788894613032

ePub € 4, 99 Disponibilità immediata

Circular Economy: Italy is well positioned and is ahead of Germany, France Spain and Poland. This is stated in the National Report on the Circular Economy. In all of this, women, the Pink Italians, play a fundamental role. There are many women who have something to say about the circular economy. Projects and research, patents and solutions and inventions: in this first edition of Pink&Green, the word to the women of the circular economy we turn our attention to extraordinary experiences.


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