San Paolo Store

The Vasari Corridor. A road above the city. Ediz. illustrata

Libro di   Francesca Funis

The Vasari Corridor. A road above the city. Ediz. illustrata Libro di  Francesca Funis
€ 20, 00
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This book explores the architecture, form, construction, uses and restorations of the Vasari Corridor from several different angles. The 800-metre-long Corridor, built in record time between March and December 1565, is not only a unique urban infrastructure but also an innovative work marked by an exceptional economy of language and an extraordinary variety of architectural solutions, conceived to harmonize with the different areas of the city through which it passed.The history, symbolic and functional significance, and uses of this Corridor that winds its way above the city are analyzed in detail and as a whole, with the help of copious documentary and iconographic support. The book is the result of more than ten years of research, some of which has been presented at international conferences, symposiums and exhibitions, and the author, thanks to the cooperation of the institutions in charge, has enjoyed continuous access to and privileged information about the construction and restorations of the Corridor over the years.

