San Paolo Store

The journey into the unknown. The incredible story of my life

Libro di   Orietta Bosch

The journey into the unknown. The incredible story of my life Libro di  Orietta Bosch
€ 14, 90
PRENOTA ORA: Disponibile dal 07/08/2020

In this autobiographical novel, Orietta Bosch retraces the salient stages of a life, equally marked by good and evil; she was just a teenager when, driven by curiosity, she entered into the back of the shop where she worked and saw a big black book and two dark eyes staring at her. The young Orietta doesn't know it yet but that evil look will remain on her for years, hindering and depriving her of the dearest loved ones, until she lost her only son. It seems that the evil wants to drag her into the abyss of the hell, but the Light does not abandon her; she feels always close the presence of her beloved Simon who, like a guardian angel, accompanies her, comforts her, convinces her not to give in to despair, showing the way of salvation and promises her a new rebirth. This book is about positivity, love, courage. It does not intend to convince anyone, just to spread a message of hope for all, keeping an important promise. Whatever the spirit with which you are preparing to read it, there will be deep emotions, amazement, wonder and a sense of sweet abandonment to a loving force, that sees and plans everything, even in the darkest night.

