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Notes on financial management

Libro di   Paolo Pietro Biancone

Notes on financial management Libro di  Paolo Pietro Biancone
€ 14, 00
  • Editore: CELID
  • Pubblicazione:21/01/2021
  • Pagine:152
  • Formato:Libro
  • ISBN: 9788876619939
Disponibile a partire da 4 giorno/i

Financial management is concerned with the efficient acquisition and deployment of both short- and long-term financial resources, to ensure the objectives of the company are achieved. Decisions must be taken in three key areas: - Investment - both long-term investment in fixed assets and short-term investment in working capital - Finance - from which sources should funds be raised? - Dividends - how should cash funds be allocated to shareholders and how will the value of the business be affected by this? This book discusses the theories, analytical methods, and practical considerations that are helpful in addressing various issues in financial management, a discipline that has assumed great significance in recent times. The book is designed primarily for students enrolled in Financial Management courses and for managers in business who need a knowledge of financial management to run firms efficiently and make profitable investment decisions.

