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Abdelhafidh et al. examine irrigation management within the Tunisian Water Users Association in public irrigated area of Tunisia. The investigation highlighted the water turn, the infrastructure state, the water supply shortage, corruption, and free-riding behaviors as tightly correlated factors with farm's productivity. The findings of this study show that it is important to fight corruption in the water sector by an increased government oversight, reform of regulations, and increased accountability. The new coronavirus (Covid-19) increased food safety concerns. Gurbuz and Ozkan aimed to uncover how the public perceived the impact of Covid-19 on the agriculture and food sector. The research found that if farming disturbed, food prices would increase (82.3%) and the government should include agriculture-supporting measures (85%) in its economic measures. Cardone et al. analyse the potential socio-economic impact of Xylella fastidiosa for olives, grapes and citrus in the Near East and North Africa (NENA). Pest risk appraisal suggests that Morocco, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria are the most exposed to Xylella risk; other target NENA countries, except Algeria, have intermediate risk. Socio-economic impact assessment indicates declining yields, production, profitability, export, employment, and increasing import, with the highest impacts relating to olives, then citrus and grapes. The study suggests that the expected socioeconomic impacts are unacceptable and require urgent action against Xylella at national and regional levels. ?okic et al. focus on a possible connection between food security and the migrant crisis that began in 2015, which had a tremendous impact on the European Union as well as on the Mediterranean area. The goal of this paper is to determine if there is a correlation between the number of migrants and the levels of food security in both their homeland countries and destination countries. Countries with a high level of food security and political stability have the highest influx of migrants, which suggests there is also an economic motivation for migration. Finally, the analysis confirmed a strong correlation between countries' achieved level of food security and the number of migrants. The objective of the author was to expand and predict implications of emerging policy reforms on eggs branch farmers economics' viability. Lipshits and Barel-Shaked show that income diversification can throw light on how risky the reforms are for farmers that their income is exclusively based on agriculture. The main findings signify that the younger, educated, and wealthier farmers who are more peripheral, prone towards diversifying income. Policymakers should acknowledge this variability in potential risks while designing agricultural reforms. Benmihoub et al. analyze the adoption of practices face to the ecological and social issues and the constraints perception to agroecological development in Algeria. The authors show that the practices adoption and the constraints perception bring out the socio-demographic characteristics which have a positive effect on agroecological practices; the productions whose effect is ambivalent; and social categories (low level of education, mono-activity, sheep and goat farming) who perceive the institutional environment are rather very restrictive to the development of agroecology. Ata et al. investigate how dairy farmers of Al-Dhulel Cooperative Dairy Society (ACDS) perceive climate change, the adaptation strategies adopted by farmers to cope with the impact of climate change and the barriers to the adoption of these strategies. Some recommendations regarding new polices was suggested to facilitate the way of getting benefit from grants and financial support for improving dairy farms and to mitigate the effect of climate change on dairy cattle.