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Mothering(s) and religions. Normative perspectives and individual appropriations. A cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approach from antiquity to the present

Mothering(s) and religions. Normative perspectives and individual appropriations. A cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approach from antiquity to the present Libro di
€ 35, 00
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How do religions deal with mothering? This is the main question we aimed at answering during the International Workshop Mothering(s) and Religions: Normative Perspectives and Individual Appropriations. A Cross-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Approach from Antiquity to the Present at the Max-Weber-Kolleg (University of Erfurt). The chief focus is on the religious roles of the "mother" in the child's life after the perinatal phase and until adulthood, as well as on the less fortunate cases in which the offspring dies before becoming adult. While the first two workshops dealt with physiological functions that only a woman - mother-to-be or newly mother - can perform, this third workshop stresses that the rearing of a child shifts the focus from biology to society. Therefore, it is necessary to define what "mother" is: a "mother" is anyone who engages in maternal practice and makes this a central part of their life. Mother can, thus, be gender-inclusive.

