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Libro di   Julia Ferrard M.D.

Jonas Libro di  Julia Ferrard M.D.
€ 18,00 € 17, 10 -5%
  • Editore: Simonelli
  • Pubblicazione:2019
  • Pagine:378
  • Formato:Libro in brossura
  • ISBN: 9788893202138
Temporaneamente non disponibile

Set in Austria during the years 1964-1994. A mountain town hosts a famous fairground wherein odd, off-the-wall, eccentric and psychopathic characters perform: a fakir, a fire-eater, a snake-trainer, a clown, a mysterious tarot-card reader and Jonas, a handsome and talented magician. People start dropping off like flies; the deaths are bizarre to say the least and some are previously unheard of. What is happening? But is something happening in the first place? Is there a murderer? If so, who is it? More to the point, if there is a murderer, how were the crimes committed? Or could there be a ghost? The clue you need is there all along...

