San Paolo Store

Great art critics (1750-2000). Emergence and development of a profession in permanent crisis

Libro di   Jesús Pedro Lorente

Great art critics (1750-2000). Emergence and development of a profession in permanent crisis Libro di  Jesús Pedro Lorente
€ 18, 00
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The art world has become a point of contention within a range of debates and yet, strangely enough, while art criticism has been discussed at length, very little is said about art critics. Following in the footsteps of Lionello Venturi's History of Art Criticism, in the current volume Lorente provides an updated reassessment of the great art critics from the Enlightenment down to the turn of the millennium. Conceived as a didactic handbook with a recommended bibliography at the end of each chapter, this concise work tells the history of a profession in permanent crisis, while also paying homage to its most influential practitioners in different cultural contexts.

