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God descends on jasmine

Libro di   Axhami Trota Shqiponja

God descends on jasmine Libro di  Axhami Trota Shqiponja
€ 12, 00
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Steeped in beauty and spirituality, Shqiponja Axhami Trota's poetry collection is a bath in a soothing and softening emollient to purify and regenerate soul and mind. Actually, the purity is the common thread uniting all the poems, the sounds of which can create unique and harmonious melodies, pleasing to the ear and the spirit. More in general, the nature and its flowers appear in many of these poems, infused with symbolism and meaning. They represent love, hope, healing, loss, death; they coexist in a state of greater simplicity with all the most varied sentiments of the collection, as the human passions had the beautiful and changing forms of the nature and its seasons. In each poem the author tersely captures and voices a different kind of feeling from her experiences and she describes events and situations from common life in its perpetual singularity. A continuous alternation of short forms and long poems, macro and micro cosmos that allow the reader to recognize his position within the nature.

