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Diid disegno industriale. Ediz. inglese (2021). Vol. 73:

Diid disegno industriale. Ediz. inglese (2021). Vol. 73: Libro di
€ 27, 00
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Dedicating ourselves to this Journal does not represent a new adventure, since diid disegno industriale - industrial design has been in existence for twenty years and has come a long way. A path that proceeds, outside the national borders, to make this Journal be read and appreciated by a wider public, through codes and models belonging to the international scientific community. A process pursued through appropriate indexing, always insisting on the requirements that qualifies it as a Journal intended for the international community of researchers, scholars and design experts. Starting from the tradition of diid Journal, my aim is to find a way to welcome the best international scientific contributions, without abandoning the debate on those cultures that design embodies and without which it would have remained only a system of practices.

