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Choose, decide, change. Why the world forgets to do things

Libro di   Annamaria Rufino

Choose, decide, change. Why the world forgets to do things Libro di  Annamaria Rufino
€ 10, 00
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Choosing, deciding and changing constitute the common thread of everything that we want and that we do. The deep transformation of all social system, in all its dimensions has profoundly resented of the diverse possibility or in other respects, of the absence of possibility, precisely of choosing, deciding and changing. What are we really choosing today? The hetero-direction and the conditioning seem to have become the norm, individuals are passively accustomed to an input that come from subjects and locations not identifi able. Annamaria Rufi no analyzes the mystifi cations of new social and political "geographies" of the middleglobal world that disseminate topos which they self reproduce, generating untying between our will and our real capacity of doing. Invasive dynamics overlap imperceptibly the human relations, also permeating and infecting them. The risk is, then, the loss of control of the experience, main cause of the incapacity of choosing, deciding and changing.

