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The 5 biological laws anxiety and panic attack. Dr. Hamer's new medicine. Nuova ediz.

Libro di   Andrea Taddei

The 5 biological laws anxiety and panic attack. Dr. Hamer's new medicine. Nuova ediz. Libro di  Andrea Taddei
€ 20, 00
  • Editore: Taddei Andrea
  • Pubblicazione:2020
  • Formato:Libro
  • ISBN: 9788894575200
Temporaneamente non disponibile

The 5 Biological Laws discovered by Dr. Hamer, they represent a new key of reading and understanding of all the defined processes called pathological. This book, in particular, deals in a very in-depth way the conflicts regarding the inherent conflicts of devaluation of the bones, the muscles and the articulations. A somatic map of reference, with which it is possible to go back in a precise and verifiable way to the bony and muscular pains, is illustrated. Furthermore, they are explained from the point of view of the 5 Biological Laws, most common and diffuse pathologies regarding the osteo-muscular system like: the arthritis, the arthrosis, the osteoporosis, the scoliosis, the herniated disc, the fibromyalgia, the rheumatoid arthritis and the valgus big toe...

